The course
Pulsing Yoga (pulsing of heart felt in all body parts)
Optimal: 10 participants. Minimum: 6 participants
Prerequisite Iridology and mouth work with Anabhra to get a practical sense of whether you are ready for this training as it moves into Yellow Wave and beyond.
Part I: The Introductory Sequence (9 days)
A 3 day group session that includes- 1) body work to start feeling body; connection with manipulation of organs; learn about pulsing of body and meridians. No pumping in this session. 4 hours in am / 4 hours in pm.
Fresh Juice-
A 3 day group session that will be the initiation into Pumping body work. Working with the water organs (kidney, bladder, adrenals, penis/vagina).
Fresh Air
A 3 day group session that will be the initiation into Air and Fire organs (Lungs and spinal base, Hara (lower dan tien- connected with immune system) and testes/ovaries.
Note: For Fresh Air and beyond participants need to fill out a health evaluation worksheet as well as read and sign a document affirming that they don’t have any health conditions that might put them at risk if they were to participate in the training. They will also be asked to disclose any other conditions, medications, etc. that might need to be considered in order to determine their fitness for participation in what can be a physically intense health and wellness practice.
Part II: Mandala yoga bodywork (14 day training)
These classes introduce bodywork for releasing risidual tension after pumping and new mind. Participants learn theory, organ and meridian manipulation, how to balance the body and facilitate ease. We deepen understanding of the four element earth, fire, water and air as they relate to the organs.
Part III: The Wave Sequence (24 three day weekends- 72 days minimum)
This part of the training provides participants with experience giving and receiving bodywork and mouth work focused on each of the 24 organs. Each of the six waves targets four organs. Keep in mind that the body work is centered around Pumping (not massage) and requires active breathing into the organs for all waves.
Each organ in each wave can be organized into an intensive 3 day weekend or over two weekends. Optimally each organ would be experienced for 7 days as each organ requires seven sessions of giving and receiving that focus on one of the seven chakras.
1)Green Wave-(security and familial status): values
liver / security
pancreas / creativity
duodenum / tranquillity
gallbladder / freedom
2) Red Wave-(immune system): illusion and intimacy
heart / love
hara / strength
testes & ovaries / vitality
small intestine / affection
3) Blue Wave- (identification): sexual identification
bladder / control
kidney / clarity
adrenal glands / courage
Penis & vagina / drive
4) Yellow Wave- (sensitivity): forgiving yourself and others.
This wave begins work with bio-electric parasites. (new mind)This mouth work will be on the ground; not at the sink. Covers stomach, spleen, tongue, and throat. Will vomit seriously- connection with the sensitivity. Many people drop out at this stage.
Note: This wave may need to be repeated many times. If you don’t have the cleansing and relaxing inside, then you can’t go onto next wave.
stomach / sensitivity
spleen / imagination
throat / authenticity
tongue / truth
5) Sparkle Wave- (communication): the power of trust
connection with bio-electric parasites.
base of the spine (spinal base) / trust
pons (thalamus and hypothalamus) / finding center
lungs / inspiration
colon / alignment
6) Violet Wave(sparkle wave)- (separation):transformation / we are all one
arms / balance
legs / capacity
brain / science
cerebellum / comprehension
when we clean the Sparkle . Connection with brain, cerebellum, arms, and legs. Need a silver extension for brain session (2-3”) to do this part of the mouth work.
Part IV: Iridology Training (50 days total)
A deep dive into the exploration of a detailed mapping of the eyes. This technique is used as both a physical and emotional diagnostic tool. We study the location and condition of each organ using a magnifying lense over the iris. Theatrical themes associated with each organ are studied through identifying archetypal elements in Hollywood movies and through experimental theater exercises.